
  • astaria ginting Alumni Program Studi S-2 Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat USU




Hypertension is no longer a parent disease, currently hypertension has at a young age of about 5-10% occur on the age of 20-30 years. This study aims to determine the risk factors associated with the incidence of hypertension on the age of 18-40 years in the work area Puskesmas Simalingkar 2017. This type of research is an analytic survey with case control and in its implementation using questionnaire. The population in this study were all hypertensive patients on the age of 18-40 years who are in the working area of Simalingkar Puskesmas and the sample consists of 47 cases and 47 controls. Sampling with consecutive sampling, the group base on the same gender, education and occupation. Method of data analysis by means of chi-square test and multiple logistic regression test at α = 0.05. The results showed statistically that obesity (p<0.001), smoking (p<0.001) and coffee consumption (p = 0.031) were associated with hypertension occurrence at 18-40 years of age. Variables that are not related to the incidence of hypertension at the age of 18-40 years are alcohol consumption and physical activity. Based on the results of multiple regression shows that the most dominant variable influential were smoking habit with OR = 13,807. It can be concluded that the variables associated with the incidence of hypertension at the age of 18-40 years are obesity, smoking and coffee consumption. It is suggested to the health center of Simalingkar in order to improve the health service especially in the case of health promotion about the danger of obesity, smoking and coffee consumption to hypertension at 18-40 years old and also to conduct health counseling on patient who risks hypertension, to do disease prevention as early as possible.


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